
‘Resonances of the Concealed’ : A Solo Exhibition of Photography by Napasraphee Apaiwong – Kathmandu Photo Gallery


Kathmandu Photo Gallery

Sep 23 - Dec 02, 2023

All images courtesy of Kathmandu Photo Gallery

Artificial intelligence (AI) has sparked a new era of intellectual enlightenment. It shines brightly, illuminating even the darkest of nights. However, its arrival has also been met with fear and apprehension. Some are mesmerized by its beauty, while others are bewildered by its potential to deceive.

The image of people standing on a rooftop, waiting for something to descend from the sky, is both awe-inspiring and unsettling. Could it be AI, extraterrestrial beings, or new divine entities? These futuristic beings could lead us to unprecedented heights or destroy us altogether. The photographs in this exhibition, created by AI fed with textual data, evoke both awe and questions. Can they transcend conventional photography? Are they truly photographic art?

Napasraphee Apaiwong, an independent photo artist from Bangkok, presents his first solo exhibition in Thailand, which explores these questions.
(English translation by ChatGPT-3.5, Google Bard, and Akkara Naktamna)


Resonances of the Concealed

23 September – 2 December 2023
会 場
Kathmandu Photo Gallery
87 Pan road (near Indian Temple), Silom, Bangkok 10500
電 話
11.00 am – 06.00 pm Only Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday

Editor: Aura Contemporary Art Foundation