官能の庭 Il giardino dei sensi (The Garden of the Senses), 2022 (2008), wood, soil, mandarin orange tree, mandarin oranges, orange essential oil, h.280.0 x w.80.0 x d.80.0 cm (Dimensions variable)
The object comprises of a mandarin orange tree planted on top of a structure that exceeds the height of a person. Mandarin oranges lie strewn across the floor, and their scent drifts throughout the exhibition space. The work touches upon the possibility of the richness that is attained through also stimulating and being able to perceive sensations other than sight such as smell. One may even gain the impression that the mandarin orange tree is looking down upon humans, as if to articulate that humans are not necessarily masters of the universe. This work is a part of the “Casa series,” created from the idea that things in themselves also have personalities, thus transcending the boundaries between things and humans.